CAFOD Charitable Support

We’ve supported and worked with CAFOD since 2009 and our inkjet & toner recycling scheme has raised almost £100,000 for the charity.

CAFOD stands for the Catholic Agency For Overseas Development and they’re an international development charity and the official aid agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales.

CAFOD work with communities across Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East, helping people to tackle the poverty and injustice they face. Guided by the values of compassion, solidarity and hope, CAFOD are deeply rooted in the Catholic community. Together, with the help of volunteers, they help those who are living in extreme poverty, to reach their full potential, regardless of religion or culture.

Celebrity supporter Delia Smith, who supported the charity’s lent appeal said: “I’ve been a CAFOD supporter for roughly fifty years. I know that anything I give goes directly to people in need because of the tremendous network the Church has throughout the world. I shall always try to do whatever I can to help.”

Our inkjet & toner recycling scheme will continue to support the tireless work that CAFOD do.