RSPCA Charitable Support

We’re proud to have been a partner of the RSPCA since 2005 and support them in their mission to improve the lives of all animals, their main focus being to end animal cruelty.  By recycling empty inkjet & toner cartridges of the RSPCA’s supporters, we’ve raised a staggering £600,000!

From investigating cruelty and rescuing animals throughout England and Wales, to enacting real change in the law, there are countless things they do to ensure that all animals live a cruelty free life.

Though education and advice are their preferred course of action when an animal is found to be suffering, sometimes they have no other choice than to pursue a prosecution.  Their work to end cruelty isn’t just limited to England and Wales; they share their expertise around the world with those responsible for writing laws and with those who care for animals on a daily basis.

Did you know that the RSPCA receive a call for help every 27 seconds and last year they collected and rescued 129,602 animals?  That’s why the RSPCA need your continued support so please, to tackle cruelty cases like the one shown to poor old Geri below.

When 16-year-old Geri the tabby cat went missing from her home in Coventry in October 2015, her owners became increasingly worried.  RSPCA Inspector Louise Marston, who investigated the incident, said “Geri had gone missing one night, which was not like her at all.  The next morning her owners found her in a lot of pain and distress, but it was not immediately obvious what had happened to her. It was only when her fur started falling out and her skin looked sore that a vet said she was suffering from burn injuries”.

After Louise began her investigations, it transpired that a neighbour had thrown boiling water over Geri, after she went to the toilet in his garden; a callous act, which was completely out of proportion and caused pain and distress.

The water caused deep burn injuries to Geri’s skin, resulting in what a vet said would have been very painful for her. The injuries left permanent scarring to Geri’s body, including a patch on her head which has left a part of her skull exposed and Geri’s owners have noticed an obvious change in her since the incident – it has damaged her mental wellbeing.

The man responsible admitted he threw the hot water on Geri because he was fed up of her going to the toilet on his property. Louise described his actions as “a callous act which was completely out of proportion and caused this poor cat much pain and distress”.  The man was jailed for 12 weeks, banned from keeping animals for 10 years and ordered to pay £538.94 in costs.

The RSPCA continue to lobby for tougher sentences for animal welfare offences and an offender’s register so that a ban really does mean a ban.

The £600,000 that we’ve raised by recycling inkjet & laser toner cartridges has supported the charity in its fight to combat abuse to innocent animals like Geri, and the thousands of animals that they continue to help every year.